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摘要 小枫来为解答以上问题。欧普照明委任艺术项目《正午》正在上演,这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧~.~!  艺术家张培力   Ar...



   Artist Zhang Peili


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  “In the realm of new media art,Zhang Ding stands out as someone constantly moving forward.His works are a synthesis of various elements,with a particularly strong sense of presence.While many artists use new media,few employ such a comprehensive approach to materials as he does.There is a genre of new media art that prioritizes concepts over sensory pleasure,engaging viewers to think deeply within its context.Zhang Ding’s creations are exemplary in this regard,provoking thought through a combination of physical,material,and auditory stimuli.”


   Spatial designer Chen Yaoguang


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  “As a designer,I rely on physical materials,which are tangible and measurable,while light is a spiritual material.Even the most luxurious materials are,in essence,plain compared to light,which I regard as'rich'because it can directly touch the soul.Light doesn’t just engage in a visual dialogue;it transcends everyday experiences,piercing through emotions instantly.When paired with music,it can even move you to tears.Fifteen years ago,I said,'Light not only guides but ignites the imagination.A life without imagination is a life shrouded in darkness.'For those sensitive to life and art,light is more than illumination—it’s an emotional catalyst.”


   Architect Wang Zigeng


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  “Beyond my role as a curator,I also design exhibitions,many of which have centered around light.My role often bridges the gap between artist and architect.In a past collaboration with Wu Jian’an,curated by Li Zhenhua,we deliberately broke from traditional exhibition layouts in a1,000-square-meter gallery,opting instead for an immersive environment.Light played a pivotal role,with two large searchlights positioned diagonally across the space,interacting to create dynamic light and shadow patterns.This approach diverged from the typical uniform lighting in museums,offering a harsher,more intense illumination that resonated with the sandy floor and Wu Jian’an’s work.”


   Architecture scholar Tan Zheng


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  “Light is a medium,but unlike other contemporary media,it can possess physicality.It originates from lighting fixtures,which themselves have form and require technology to control and amplify.Zhang Ding’s work embodies the full potential of light as a medium,utilizing cutting-edge technology to its utmost.His installation,with its signal tower-like form,serves as a monumental tribute to technology.”


   Artist Zhang Ding


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  “Recently,Liu Chang and I completed a theatrical piece called*4.48*at Aranya,ending with the line:‘Leaving everything behind,we see the light.’I feel this project echoes that sentiment.As I embarked on this project,I delved deeply into the science of light,uncovering its omnipresence yet also its frequent disregard.Our lives are so entrenched in light that we often overlook its essence.As my understanding of light deepened,it grew increasingly complex,prompting me to eventually strip away the technicalities and focus purely on perception.I wanted to offer visitors an unfiltered experience of the light produced by OPPLE SDL Technology.”


   Independent curator Miao Zijin


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  “如果重访一些以光为媒介的个人项目,可以看到艺术家提出了视觉、观念、技术、社会性的问题。光作为场域特定的装置介入美术馆,随着信息技术的发展,让建筑内外的人造光与日落同步成为可能(James Turrell“Meeting”,1980–86/2016);模拟太阳的作品不仅在制造现象,更试图揭示机构运转的条件(Olafur Eliasson,“The Weather Project”,2003);在公共空间收集路人的脉搏,则让光以移动影像的形式再现观众的身体数据(Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“Pulse Corniche”,2014–15)。这些艺术家的思考和实践刚好回应了今天在场几位老师的分享。”

  “Looking back at projects that use light as a medium,we see that artists have tackled visual,conceptual,technological,and societal questions.Light has evolved as a site-specific installation medium,capable of syncing artificial light with natural sunsets,as seen in James Turrell’s*Meeting*(1980–86/2016).Works like Olafur Eliasson’s*The Weather Project*(2003)mimic the sun not just to create phenomena,but to reveal institutional frameworks.In public spaces,artists like Rafael LozanoHemmer use light to translate data into moving images,reflecting the pulse of passersby,as in*Pulse Corniche*(2014–15).These explorations resonate with the themes discussed today.”These revisions aim to elevate the language,enhancing the sophistication and depth appropriate for an elite audience.


